Future Without Fish is a social campaign that aims to grab the attention of people and reveal to them what overfishing is, what overfishing has and will cause, and how rapidly its impacts will grow. This campaign aims to grab people’s attention with imagery that depicts a distorted world in which fish are no longer a viable resource for humans. The tone of this campaign is dark and serious, as viewers should understand that this issue is no laughing matter. Beyond that, the goal is to leave our users intrigued to learn more about overfishing and join the fight to push for more strictly enforced regulations that prevent it, as well as illegal fishing.

In order to grab viewer’s attention, this campaign is spread across three different mediums; campaign posters, an interactive magazine article, and an animated billboard in Times Square NYC. All of these deliverables take a different approach to draw in viewers, yet they are all tied together by a consistent set of brand elements. Future Without Fish’s visual identity is made up of shocking, vast imagery, organic shapes and typography, and the tagline “Where Are The Fish?”, which aims to leave the viewer pondering over what the causes behind this issue may be. All of these pieces of the brand’s identity come together to form a very thorough and meaningful social campaign that is likely to leave an impact on anyone who views it.

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